America 2030

1991 days ago

Angus Energy – the liar in the ointment: Jonathan Tidswell-Pretorius

Angus Energy (ANGS) shares may or may not be cheap on fundamentals. That debate is for another day.  But weighing down on this company is one almighty issue of corporate governance: the lies its founder Jonathan Tidswell-Pretorius told about his dealings with loan provider America 2030 in June 2018 and the cover-up that continues to this day.


2060 days ago

Updated: Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Angus Energy, the ramping, the placing (or not) & the sordid truth of Tidswell's share trades it needs to admit to

Update. Two thirds of this podcast stands. The ramping and share dealing comments are 100% fair and very serious. But there is no placing as this podcast suggests  - I was "played" as explained HERE. David Lenigas is leading the ramping of Angus Energy (ANGS) shares as you can see below. A placing is on the runway,  Then there is the issue of the shares sales by America 2030 of shares ex CEO and Company founder Jonathan Tidswell-Pretorious claimed to own as we reported here. Quite simply what Angus stated in RNS statements which is what we reported is not what happened and it has failed to acknowledge that and what has happened since. Until it does new Nomad and broker Stockdale must surely stop any placing going ahead - there will be one one day. Listen and despair of the AIM Casino. 
